Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's dome Courage

I believe Brunelleschi had courage for what he was doing to do whatever he could to build the Dome for Cosimo. Brunelleschi was not sure that cracking the bottom of the egg would make the egg stand up but if he didn't crack the egg enough then the egg would still start rolling to one side. If Brunelleschi broke the egg too much it would be just a rounded ceiling instead of a dome. Courage means the ability to do something in the face of fear, danger and/or disapproval. While Cosimo was not the ruler of Florence and the Albizzi family was ruling Florence, Cosimo brought Brunelleschi with him. Brunelleschi was afraid that if he was gone for too long some other architect would be the one who would resume the building process of the dome, but then if other architects were not as smart as Brunelleschi then they would have no idea how to build the dome, so then they would give up and beg for Brunelleschi to come back and finish building the dome. Brunelleschi chose himself to put the brick into the dome himself and see if it would stay. It worked and so the dome continued to get higher and higher. Then finally the Dome was built.

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