Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Ideas can pretty much come from anywhere including, friends, inspiration, work, failure, fear, frustration, a complete stranger, or almost everything in the world. Brilliantly, wildly creative people can pull breakaway ideas from thin air. sometime si wonder how artist find ideas but looking at their artworks its more like nature and how things work. The Thing that really spoke to me was that ideas come from inspiration. Inspiration as we know it inspires us to do what we want to do and set goals for ourselves to reach. Now Inspiration helps me alot by looking into my life from the past, future, and present. I also like the idea that says ideas come from a complete stranger. As we all know we shouldn't talk to complete strangers but just looking at their actions can make you think hey that looks cool. I looked at some of artists work and most of their best work is just by taking a picture of some random hallway, alley, room or even a building. Then after they take that picture they edit the picture or they just paint on it like you do experiments with science. It's just amazing how ideas can lead you to most likely anywhere in the world.

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