Monday, November 1, 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci

Without the thought of Leonardo we would not have the technology we have today. Thanks to his artistry we have what we have today. In order for someone who understand visually. You need pictures to show them. Back then in the Renaissance time they didn't have cameras and cinemas. They needed a drawer. Leonardo could draw so I would say Leonardo is an Artist. Leonardo used Perspective and other realistic techniques to help make the picture 3D if not the other people won't understand. Then art became a good thing also in science. Science is all about experiments and observing and showing what you came up with. The pictures that show outcomes of experiments are the things people want to see. In order to see things, Leonardo had to make up a technique such as chiaroscuro. This specific technique made the drawings by Leonardo have a lifelike quality. Leonardo also gave more power to the technique that Flemish and venetian painters originally developed which was called Sfumato. Sfumato is the objects color and detail that changes as the distance recedes. Also Leonardo became a scientist to work on developing more skills in art instead of developing skills in science. Together I believe Leonardo started his big journey as a true artist.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's dome Courage

I believe Brunelleschi had courage for what he was doing to do whatever he could to build the Dome for Cosimo. Brunelleschi was not sure that cracking the bottom of the egg would make the egg stand up but if he didn't crack the egg enough then the egg would still start rolling to one side. If Brunelleschi broke the egg too much it would be just a rounded ceiling instead of a dome. Courage means the ability to do something in the face of fear, danger and/or disapproval. While Cosimo was not the ruler of Florence and the Albizzi family was ruling Florence, Cosimo brought Brunelleschi with him. Brunelleschi was afraid that if he was gone for too long some other architect would be the one who would resume the building process of the dome, but then if other architects were not as smart as Brunelleschi then they would have no idea how to build the dome, so then they would give up and beg for Brunelleschi to come back and finish building the dome. Brunelleschi chose himself to put the brick into the dome himself and see if it would stay. It worked and so the dome continued to get higher and higher. Then finally the Dome was built.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Ideas can pretty much come from anywhere including, friends, inspiration, work, failure, fear, frustration, a complete stranger, or almost everything in the world. Brilliantly, wildly creative people can pull breakaway ideas from thin air. sometime si wonder how artist find ideas but looking at their artworks its more like nature and how things work. The Thing that really spoke to me was that ideas come from inspiration. Inspiration as we know it inspires us to do what we want to do and set goals for ourselves to reach. Now Inspiration helps me alot by looking into my life from the past, future, and present. I also like the idea that says ideas come from a complete stranger. As we all know we shouldn't talk to complete strangers but just looking at their actions can make you think hey that looks cool. I looked at some of artists work and most of their best work is just by taking a picture of some random hallway, alley, room or even a building. Then after they take that picture they edit the picture or they just paint on it like you do experiments with science. It's just amazing how ideas can lead you to most likely anywhere in the world.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Short Story Summary

Looking at all three stories I have read either The sniper, Lamb To The Slaughter, or even Thank You Ma'am, My favorite story I would say would have to be Lamb To The Slaughter. Lamb To The Slaughter is written by a man named Roald Dahl. As we all know Roald Dahl is famous for his children books, but unfortunately this one is for tweens and above. This story captures alot of unthinkable consequences. Roald Dahl has written astory where it is a few pages long but not too many pages. Roald Dahl has written about the most perfect wife who kills the man of her dreams. Now People would think why it is so because Mary Maloney, The perfect wife, kills her husband, Patrick, because Patrick plans on leaving Mary Maloney. There is a mystery of why Patrick Maloney is Leaving Mary Maloney. The readers could suppose Patrick is leaving Mary for another woman or Patrick is leaving Mary because he feels Mary is too perfect for him and Mary also basks in Patricks manliness which means Patrick is not going with another woman but he wants to be on his own. Roald Dahl Perfectly states his theme for this story and it is that the person who is the man/woman of you dreams can betray you in such a short amount of time. Looking At all of the short stories I have read throughout my whole life I find that this story is my favorite short story.