Monday, November 1, 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci

Without the thought of Leonardo we would not have the technology we have today. Thanks to his artistry we have what we have today. In order for someone who understand visually. You need pictures to show them. Back then in the Renaissance time they didn't have cameras and cinemas. They needed a drawer. Leonardo could draw so I would say Leonardo is an Artist. Leonardo used Perspective and other realistic techniques to help make the picture 3D if not the other people won't understand. Then art became a good thing also in science. Science is all about experiments and observing and showing what you came up with. The pictures that show outcomes of experiments are the things people want to see. In order to see things, Leonardo had to make up a technique such as chiaroscuro. This specific technique made the drawings by Leonardo have a lifelike quality. Leonardo also gave more power to the technique that Flemish and venetian painters originally developed which was called Sfumato. Sfumato is the objects color and detail that changes as the distance recedes. Also Leonardo became a scientist to work on developing more skills in art instead of developing skills in science. Together I believe Leonardo started his big journey as a true artist.